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What's included?

When we talk about GrADyS-SIM NextGen as a simulation framework we are talking about a set of tools that enable you to create and execute network simulations. These components are distributed under different repositories, and have different purposes.

Seeing all these components may seem overwhelming at first. This section aims to give you a high level overview of what each component does and how they interact with each other, and where you can read more about them.

framework architecture diagram

The gradysim python package

The gradysim python package contains all the python implementations in the GrADyS-SIM NextGen framework. It is also responsible for hosting the documentation you are reading. It is the main entry point for the framework and the place where you can find the most information about it. Any component that is hosted outside this repository will have a link to its documentation in this repository.

The gradysim package is divided into three main subpackages: protocol, simulator and encapsulator. We will talk about each of them next.


The protocol subpackage specifies the Protocol API and it's dependencies. You will use this packet to build your own protocols that are environment-agnostic. This means that you can use the same protocol implementation in different environments without changing your code. These execution environments are often called execution modes inside the documentation.

Inside this package you will find everything you need to build your own protocol. This includes the IProtocol interface that you extend to create your own protocol, the IProvider interface that provides the means for your protocol to interact with it's environment and the CommunicationCommand and MobilityCommand commands that your protocol needs to talk to the mobility and communication modules.

Also included is a library of plugins intended to help developers build their protocols. These plugins enhance the experience of building protocols by providing common functionalities that are often needed in protocols. You can read more about them in the plugins documentation.


View the creating a protocol and the implementation of a simulation scenario guides for concrete examples of using this package. For a more in-depth view read the documentation for the protocol subpackage here.


This package contains the code responsible for executing protocols in prototype-mode. Implemented in it is a python event-based network simulator that is capable of executing protocols in a simulated environment. You can use this package to quickly prototype your protocols and test them in a simulated environment that is simpler than the one provided in the integrated mode.

Simulations are capable of simulating the movement of nodes in a 3D space and the communication between nodes. The protocol interacts with the simulation environment through glue-code provided in the encapsulator package.


Both the creating a protocol and the implementation of a simulation scenario guides use the prototype-mode simulator to execute the protocols. You can read them to understand how to use this package. For a more in-depth view read the documentation for the simulator subpackage here.


The final subpackage in the gradysim package is the encapsulator. It is responsible for providing the glue-code that enables the protocols defined using the protocol package to interact with the simulation environment provided by the execution mode the protocol is being run in. This environment can be the prototype-mode simulator, the integrated-mode OMNeT++ or the experiment-mode.

The IEncapsulator interface defines the template that encapsulators must follow. Encapsulators connect protocols to their execution environment by injecting the environment-specific provider instance into it. This provider instance will be used by the protocol to interact with the environment.

Generally speaking, you shouldn't need to implement your own encapsulator. The framework provides encapsulators for the prototype-mode simulator and the integrated-mode's OMNeT++.


Since as a normal user of the framework you shouldn't need to interact directly with this module, no guides for using it are provided. If you want an in depth view of how it works you can read the documentation for the encapsulator subpackage here.

The OMNeT++ GrADyS-SIM Simulator

Before GrADyS-SIM NextGen was created, GrADyS-SIM already existed and was built using the OMNeT++ network simulator. In the context of OMNeT++ GrADyS-SIM is a library of modules that enable you to build simulations inside OMNeT++ that work in a specific way. More specifically, they enable users to build and simulate network simulations populated by mobile vehicles and stationary nodes that all communicate with eachother so implement some kind of distributed algorithm we call "protocol".

It was created to satisfy the needs of the GrADyS project that aimed to simulate scenarios where autonomous aerial vehicles would fly over stationary sensors to collect data and bring it to a stationary ground station. After realising how useful the architecture we built was, we decided to make it available to the public as a simulation framework which we called GrADyS-SIM.

GrADyS-SIM NextGen is a continuation of this project. The focus of the framework turned to the python-implemented protocols and the new python and old OMNeT++ simulators are now viewed as environments where the protocols can execute in.

The OMNeT++ framework is still available and is still being maintained. It can still be used independently but it has been integrated into the GrADyS-SIM NextGen framework to run as an execution-mode, integrated-mode. This means that your protocols written in python using the protocol package can run inside the OMNeT++ simulation which provides a more realistic network model.


The OMNeT++ GrADyS-SIM Simulator is hosted in a separate repository. You can find it here. There you will find installation instructions and a guide on how to use it to run your protocols in the integrated-mode. For a more in depth look you can read this technical report describing the original simulation framework.

Integration with Ardupilot's SITL Simulator

OMNeT++ and it's component library INET provides a very competent network model, but it's model for mobility is very simplistic. Nodes move through very simple arithmetics based on their speed, position and time since last update. An urge for a more realistic simulation environment motivated the team to integrate the OMNeT++ simulator with Ardupilot's SITL simulator.

ArduPilot is an open source autopilot system supporting multi-copters, traditional helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, rovers and more. It's a very popular autopilot system used in many different applications. The SITL Simulator is a simulator that is part of ArdiPilot's ecosystem that allows you to simulate the behaviour of real vehicles running ArduPilot. The simulated vehicles communicate just like real ones through the MAVLink protocol. They also operate convincingly like their real counterparts, taking into account the physics of the vehicle and it's environment.

Through the MAVLink protocol this simulator was integrated into GrADyS-SIM's OMNeT++ simulator. Using this integration the framework provides a mobility model superior to any available in INET. This integration is available in the integrated-mode of the framework. That means that you can use it to run your protocols in a more realistic environment.


The integration with Ardupilot's SITL Simulator is hosted in a separate repository. You can find it here. There you will also find instructions in how to use it. In the past this project was hosted in a separate repository. You can find it here.