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Bases: INodeHandler

Adds assertions to the simulation. Enables users to verify that certain conditions in their simulations are met. Assertions work differently depending on the assertion decorator used, but in general they use functions returning a boolean that get called by this handler and raise exceptions when they fail.

Providers don't interact with this handler. It only consults the simulation status to validate the registered assertions.

Source code in gradysim/simulator/handler/
class AssertionHandler(INodeHandler):
    Adds assertions to the simulation. Enables users to verify that certain conditions in their simulations 
    are met. Assertions work differently depending on the assertion decorator used, but in general they use
    functions returning a boolean that get called by this handler and raise exceptions when they fail.

    Providers don't interact with this handler. It only consults the simulation status to validate the 
    registered assertions.
    _event_loop: EventLoop
    _nodes: List[Node]

    def __init__(self, assertions: List[Type[SimulationTestCase]]):
        Constructs an assertion handler. The list of decorated assertions is received by parameter and will
        be managed during the simulation.

            assertions: List of decorated assertions
        self._assertions = [assertion() for assertion in assertions]
        self._nodes = []

    def get_label() -> str:
        return "assertion"

    def inject(self, event_loop: EventLoop) -> None:
        self._event_loop = event_loop

    def register_node(self, node: Node) -> None:

    def after_simulation_step(self, iteration: int, timestamp: float):
        for assertion in self._assertions:
            assertion.test_iteration(self._nodes, iteration, timestamp)

    def finalize(self):
        for assertion in self._assertions:


Constructs an assertion handler. The list of decorated assertions is received by parameter and will be managed during the simulation.


Name Type Description Default
assertions List[Type[SimulationTestCase]]

List of decorated assertions

Source code in gradysim/simulator/handler/
def __init__(self, assertions: List[Type[SimulationTestCase]]):
    Constructs an assertion handler. The list of decorated assertions is received by parameter and will
    be managed during the simulation.

        assertions: List of decorated assertions
    self._assertions = [assertion() for assertion in assertions]
    self._nodes = []

Creating assertions

Assertions can be created using one of the provided assertion decorators. They should be applied to a function implementing the condition you wish to verify is met during the simulation.

The parameters received by the decorated function changes depending on the decorator being used, but a common characteristic is that they always should return a Boolean, indicating whether the condition is met or not.

Here is an example of how a function is decorated to generate an assertion:

def assert_received_equals_sent(nodes: List[Node[PingProtocol]]) -> bool:
    received = 0
    sent = 0
    for node in nodes:
        received += node.protocol_encapsulator.protocol.received
        sent += node.protocol_encapsulator.protocol.received
    return received == sent

gradysim.simulator.handler.assertion.assert_always_true_for_protocol(protocol_type, name, description='')

Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving a Node and returning a boolean into a assertion. If at any point the function returns False the assertion will fail.

The assertion function should recieve a single Node instance with a specific protocol type and return True if the assertion is succesfull and False otherwise.

Function should be of type Callable[[Node], bool].


Name Type Description Default
protocol_type Type[P]

Type of protocol that this assertion applies to. Will be called for every node of that type.

name str

Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion

description str

Optional description used in logging

Source code in gradysim/simulator/handler/
def assert_always_true_for_protocol(protocol_type: Type[P],
                                    name: str,
                                    description: str = "") -> Callable[[], Type[SimulationTestCase]]:
    Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving a Node and returning a boolean into a
    assertion. If at any point the function returns False the assertion will fail.

    The assertion function should recieve a single Node instance with a specific protocol type and 
    return True if the assertion is succesfull and False otherwise.

     Function should be of type `Callable[[Node], bool]`.

        protocol_type: Type of protocol that this assertion applies to. Will be called for every node of that type.
        name: Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion
        description: Optional description used in logging
    def decorator(func: Callable[[Node[P]], bool]) -> Type[SimulationTestCase]:
        nonlocal name
        if name is None:
            name = func.__name__

        class TestCase(SimulationTestCase):
            def test_iteration(self, nodes: List[Node[P]], iteration: int, timestamp: float):
                for node in nodes:
                    if isinstance(node.protocol_encapsulator.protocol, protocol_type):
                        if not func(node):
                            description_string = "(" + description + ") " if description != "" else ""
                            raise FailedAssertionException(f"Assertion \"{name}\" {description_string}failed "
                                                           f"[iteration={iteration} | timestamp={timestamp}]")

            def finalize(self):

        return TestCase

    return decorator

gradysim.simulator.handler.assertion.assert_eventually_true_for_protocol(protocol_type, name, description='')

Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving a Node and returning a boolean into a assertion. If at any point in the simulation the function returns True for a node the assertion will succeed for that node.

The assertion function should recieve a single Node instance with a specific protocol type and return True if the assertion is succesfull and False otherwise.

Function should be of type Callable[[Node], bool].


Name Type Description Default
protocol_type Type[IProtocol]

Type of protocol that this assertion applies to. Will be called for every node of that type.

name str

Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion

description str

Optional description used in logging

Source code in gradysim/simulator/handler/
def assert_eventually_true_for_protocol(protocol_type: Type[IProtocol],
                                        name: str,
                                        description: str = "") -> Callable[[], Type[SimulationTestCase]]:
    Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving a Node and returning a boolean into a
    assertion. If at any point in the simulation the function returns True for a node the assertion
    will succeed for that node.

    The assertion function should recieve a single Node instance with a specific protocol type and 
    return True if the assertion is succesfull and False otherwise.

    Function should be of type `Callable[[Node], bool]`.

        protocol_type: Type of protocol that this assertion applies to. Will be called for every node of that type.
        name: Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion
        description: Optional description used in logging

    def decorator(func: Callable[[Node], bool]) -> Type[SimulationTestCase]:
        nonlocal name
        if name is None:
            name = func.__name__

        class TestCase(SimulationTestCase):
            has_been_true: Dict[int, bool]

            def __init__(self):
                self.has_been_true = {}

            def test_iteration(self, nodes: List[Node], iteration: int, timestamp: float):
                for node in nodes:
                    if isinstance(node.protocol_encapsulator.protocol, protocol_type):
                        if not in self.has_been_true:
                            self.has_been_true[] = False
                        if func(node):
                            self.has_been_true[] = True

            def finalize(self):
                for node, has_been in self.has_been_true.items():
                    if not has_been:
                        description_string = "(" + description + ") " if description != "" else ""
                        raise FailedAssertionException(
                            f"Assertion \"{name}\" {description_string} failed in node {node}\n"
                            f"The condition was never met during the simulation")

        return TestCase

    return decorator

gradysim.simulator.handler.assertion.assert_always_true_for_simulation(name, description='')

Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving all Nodes and returning a boolean into a assertion. If at any point in the simulation this function returns False, the assertion fails.

The assertion function should recieve a Node list and return True if the assertion is succesfull and False otherwise.

Function should be of type Callable[[List[Node]], bool].


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion

description str

Optional description used in logging

Source code in gradysim/simulator/handler/
def assert_always_true_for_simulation(name: str,
                                      description: str = "") -> Callable[[], Type[SimulationTestCase]]:
    Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving all Nodes and returning a boolean into a
    assertion. If at any point in the simulation this function returns False, the assertion fails.

    The assertion function should recieve a Node list and return True if the assertion is succesfull 
    and False otherwise.

    Function should be of type `Callable[[List[Node]], bool]`.

        name: Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion
        description: Optional description used in logging
    def decorator(func: Callable[[List[Node]], bool]) -> Type[SimulationTestCase]:
        nonlocal name
        if name is None:
            name = func.__name__

        class TestCase(SimulationTestCase):
            def test_iteration(self, nodes: List[Node], iteration: int, timestamp: float):
                if not func(nodes):
                    description_string = "(" + description + ") " if description != "" else ""
                    raise FailedAssertionException(f"Assertion \"{name}\" {description_string}failed\n"
                                                   f"[iteration={iteration} | timestamp={timestamp}]\n")

            def finalize(self):

        return TestCase

    return decorator

gradysim.simulator.handler.assertion.assert_eventually_true_for_simulation(name, description='')

Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving all Nodes and returning a boolean into a assertion. If at any point in the simulation this function returns True, the assertion succeeds.

The assertion function should recieve a Node list and return True if the assertion is succesfull and False otherwise.

Function should be of type Callable[[List[Node]], bool].


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion

description str

Optional description used in logging

Source code in gradysim/simulator/handler/
def assert_eventually_true_for_simulation(name: str,
                                          description: str = "") -> Callable[[], Type[SimulationTestCase]]:
    Creates a decorator that will wrap any function receiving all Nodes and returning a boolean into a
    assertion. If at any point in the simulation this function returns True, the assertion succeeds.

    The assertion function should recieve a Node list and return True if the assertion is succesfull 
    and False otherwise.

    Function should be of type `Callable[[List[Node]], bool]`.

        name: Name of the assertion, used to identify the assertion
        description: Optional description used in logging
    def decorator(func: Callable[[List[Node]], bool]) -> Type[SimulationTestCase]:
        nonlocal name
        if name is None:
            name = func.__name__

        class TestCase(SimulationTestCase):
            has_been_true = False

            def test_iteration(self, nodes: List[Node], iteration: int, timestamp: float):
                if func(nodes):
                    self.has_been_true = True

            def finalize(self):
                if not self.has_been_true:
                    description_string = "(" + description + ") " if description != "" else ""
                    raise FailedAssertionException(f"Assertion \"{name}\" {description_string}failed\n"
                                                   f"The condition was never met during the simulation")

        return TestCase

    return decorator