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Follow Mobility


This module declares two plugin for the protocol: a leader and a follower. The leader broadcasts its position and the follower follows it.

Beware that this plugin controls your protocol's mobility to implement its behaviour, so you should not use any other mobility plugin with it or implement any mobility behaviour in your protocol. The MobilityLeaderPlugin does not affect the node's movement and thus should be fine to use with other mobility plugin or mobility behaviour.

BROADCAST_TIMER_TAG = 'FollowMobilityPlugin__leader_broadcast_timer' module-attribute

The leader will broadcast its position using a timer with this name, make sure it doesn't conflict with other timers

FOLLOWER_TAG = 'FollowMobilityPlugin__follower' module-attribute

LEADER_TAG = 'FollowMobilityPlugin__leader' module-attribute

The leader will broadcast its position using a packet with this tag, make sure it doesn't conflict with other packets

MobilityFollowerConfiguration dataclass

Source code in gradysim/protocol/plugin/
class MobilityFollowerConfiguration:
    scanning_interval: float = 0.5
    Interval between leader scans, in simulation seconds. The follower will update the list of leaders and the current 

    leader_timeout: float = 2
    After this amount of simulation seconds without receiving a broadcast from the leader, we consider it

    auto_follow: bool = True
    Automatically follows the first leader available if set to True. If set to False, the user must call 
    follow_leader manually. If True the user can still call follow_leader to follow a specific leader, but if connection
    to that leader is lost the follower will automatically follow the first leader available.

auto_follow: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute

Automatically follows the first leader available if set to True. If set to False, the user must call follow_leader manually. If True the user can still call follow_leader to follow a specific leader, but if connection to that leader is lost the follower will automatically follow the first leader available.

leader_timeout: float = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute

After this amount of simulation seconds without receiving a broadcast from the leader, we consider it disconnected

scanning_interval: float = 0.5 class-attribute instance-attribute

Interval between leader scans, in simulation seconds. The follower will update the list of leaders and the current leader.


Source code in gradysim/protocol/plugin/
class MobilityFollowerPlugin:
    _leader: Optional[int] = None
    _leader_position: Optional[Position] = None

    _relative_position: Position = (0, 0, 0)

    _last_leader_broadcast: Dict[int, float]

    def __init__(self, protocol: IProtocol,
                 configuration: MobilityFollowerConfiguration = MobilityFollowerConfiguration()):
        self._config = configuration

        self._protocol = protocol
        self._dispatcher = create_dispatcher(protocol)

        self._last_leader_broadcast = {}


    def _initialize_following(self):
        """Initializes leader following behaviour"""

        def follow_handler(_instance: IProtocol, message: str):
            if not message.startswith(LEADER_TAG):
                return DispatchReturn.CONTINUE

            leader_payload = json.loads(message[len(f"{LEADER_TAG}:"):])
            leader_id = leader_payload["id"]
            self._last_leader_broadcast[leader_id] = self._protocol.provider.current_time()

            if leader_id == self._leader:
                self._leader_position = leader_payload["position"]

                # Going to the leader's position at relative coordinates
                destination = (coord + relative_coord
                               for coord, relative_coord in zip(self._leader_position, self._relative_position))
                mobility_command = GotoCoordsMobilityCommand(*destination)

                # Informing the leader that we are following him
                command = CommunicationCommand(

            return DispatchReturn.INTERRUPT


    def _initialize_scanning(self):
        """Periodically updates the list of current leaders"""

        def scan_handler(_instance: IProtocol, timer: str):
            if timer != FOLLOWER_TIMER_TAG:
                return DispatchReturn.CONTINUE

            self._last_leader_broadcast = {
                leader_id: last_broadcast
                for leader_id, last_broadcast in self._last_leader_broadcast.items()
                if self._protocol.provider.current_time() - last_broadcast < self._config.leader_timeout

            if self._leader is not None and self._leader not in self._last_leader_broadcast:
                self._leader = None
                self._leader_position = None

            if self._leader is None and len(self.available_leaders) > 0:

                self._protocol.provider.current_time() + self._config.scanning_interval
            return DispatchReturn.INTERRUPT


        self._protocol.provider.schedule_timer(FOLLOWER_TIMER_TAG, self._config.scanning_interval)

    def available_leaders(self) -> Set[int]:
        return set(self._last_leader_broadcast.keys())

    def current_leader(self) -> Optional[int]:
        return self._leader

    def relative_position(self) -> Position:
        return self._relative_position

    def current_leader_position(self) -> Optional[Position]:
        return self._leader_position

    def follow_leader(self, leader_id: int) -> None:
        if leader_id not in self.available_leaders:
            raise FollowMobilityException(f"Leader {leader_id} is not available")
        self._leader = leader_id

    def set_relative_position(self, position: Position) -> None:
        self._relative_position = position

MobilityLeaderConfiguration dataclass

Source code in gradysim/protocol/plugin/
class MobilityLeaderConfiguration:
    broadcast_interval: float = 0.02
    """The interval at which the leader broadcasts its position"""

    follower_timeout: float = 5
    If we don't receive a message from a follower for this amount of simulation seconds we consider it disconnected

broadcast_interval: float = 0.02 class-attribute instance-attribute

The interval at which the leader broadcasts its position

follower_timeout: float = 5 class-attribute instance-attribute

If we don't receive a message from a follower for this amount of simulation seconds we consider it disconnected


Source code in gradysim/protocol/plugin/
class MobilityLeaderPlugin:
    _position: Position

    _last_connection_from_follower: Dict[int, float]
    """Last broadcast round in which a follower was connected"""

    def __init__(self, protocol: IProtocol, configuration: MobilityLeaderConfiguration = MobilityLeaderConfiguration()):
        self._config = configuration
        self._protocol = protocol
        self._dispatcher = create_dispatcher(protocol)
        self._last_connection_from_follower = {}
        self._position = (0, 0, 0)
        self.is_broadcasting = False


    def followers(self) -> Set[int]:
        return set(self._last_connection_from_follower.keys())

    def _cull_disconnected_followers(self) -> None:
        """Culls disconnected followers"""
        self._last_connection_from_follower = {
            follower_id: last_broadcast_round
            for follower_id, last_broadcast_round in self._last_connection_from_follower.items()
            if self._broadcast_round - last_broadcast_round < self._config.follower_timeout

    def _initialize_position_watching(self) -> None:
        """Listens for position updates from the position module"""

        def position_handler(_instance: IProtocol, telemetry: Telemetry) -> DispatchReturn:
            self._position = telemetry.current_position
            return DispatchReturn.CONTINUE


    def _initialize_broadcast(self) -> None:
        """Initializes position broadcast"""

        def broadcast_handler(_instance: IProtocol, timer: str):
            if timer != BROADCAST_TIMER_TAG:
                return DispatchReturn.CONTINUE

            leader_payload = {
                "id": self._protocol.provider.get_id(),
                "position": self._position

            command = CommunicationCommand(


            self._broadcast_round += 1

                self._protocol.provider.current_time() + self._config.broadcast_interval
            return DispatchReturn.INTERRUPT


        self._protocol.provider.schedule_timer(BROADCAST_TIMER_TAG, self._config.broadcast_interval)
        self.is_broadcasting = True
        self._broadcast_round = 0

    def _initialize_listening(self) -> None:
        """Listens for messages from followers"""

        def listen_handler(_instance: IProtocol, message: str):
            if not message.startswith(FOLLOWER_TAG):
                return DispatchReturn.CONTINUE

            follower_id = int(message.split(":")[1])
            self._last_connection_from_follower[follower_id] = self._broadcast_round

            return DispatchReturn.INTERRUPT
